Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Attention To Detail

There are lots of people who think of themselves as 'big picture' thinkers and they rely on those who are the 'attention to detail' people to make their big pictures come into focus. When it comes to communications, being a big picture thinker means you are also paying a lot of attention to detail. You simply can't be exclusively one or the other in our business.

I think what it really boils down to is understanding how important public image or perception is to everything we do. You can have the greatest idea, the most effective way to communicate to zillions of people but if you have a spelling mistake, your message is going to be less effective. Attention to detail.

When a customer or shareholder is looking at your company's promotional materials, they WILL get hung up on a spelling error or typo - because if you can't spell a word correctly, how can you be trusted to report financials correctly, or produce a quality product whether it is cheese or farm implements? It's a big burden to carry on the shoulders of your communications department, which is usually very small to begin with. That's why attention to detail has to work hand in hand with big picture thinker in the world of marketing and communications.

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